Free Video Course Part 1 of 4- Master Your Body Intelligences to Transform Your Life
Learn why the MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPAL for transcending trauma and conditioning, is knowing how to disarm the primal survival mechanism of 'needing to belong' from being leveraged against you
(For seamless viewing pleasure of today’s video lessons, if you are receiving this post in email format, I recommend heading to the Substack website or app so that you can view the videos within the post instead of breaking away to YouTube.)
(Video Length 7 minutes)
You can activate brainwaves that read intuitive and psychic information & rapidly heal your psyche & body
Your emotions guide you to fulfill your needs and desires
Your nervous system is self-healing
Your heart is a portal into unity consciousness
Your voice shapes reality
Your spine is a compass for truth
Your gut holds your power and your boundaries...
And EVERY organ, muscle, bone, and cell within you houses incredible physical and energetic intelligences that want to SERVE YOU and help you create a fulfilling life.
But your body can't help you have a vibrant life if you are unaware of how to harness it's powers, or if you've suppressed, ignored, or broken it.
Unfortunately, most of us have been subjected to societal conditioning from religious, economic, or educational institutions that keep us trapped in our minds, and disassociated from our bodies.
Either that or we have inherited familial trauma that makes our bodies a scary place to inhabit.
My mission is to help you rehabilitate and fall in love with your body again, so that you can use it's transformative powers to heal any area of life that causes you strife, whether that is health, relationships, work, money, creative projects, spirituality, you name it.
If you are one of the courageous few who is
Waking up to the destructive effects of the conditioning you inherited
Determined to author a FULFILLING life for yourself despite the trauma you've experienced
Radically pursuing their truth and empowerment over victimhood
Ready to explore transformational tools and comprehensive guidance that yield more powerful and sustainable results than what your standard therapy, yoga, or meditation practices can offer
Interested in developing mastery and receiving a ‘behind-the-scenes’ education in the art and science of profound transformation itself so that you can replicate your success and help others
Then welcome! You’re in the right place. I'd love to help you on your journey home to discovering your true nature, and share the wisdom I have gleaned over the last 17 years in this field.
In this free video course, you will learn the MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPAL for transcending the root of all trauma and conditioning...disarming the primal survival mechanism of "needing to belong" from being leveraged against you...
and THEN over the next few weeks I will drip feed you 3 more potent fundamental concepts for transmuting any obstacle in your life. There will be 4 parts to this free video series plus a free quiz and workbook. The next 3 videos aren’t me just talking at you, because I believe the most valuable education is your own direct experience. So get ready to be guided through exercises where you can viscerally experience the impacts these tools have on your consciousness! I’m excited to see what happens for you. I welcome you sharing your insights and experience by commenting below, or emailing me at…
Enjoy the course!
Annika Knepper
P.S. If you are someone who gets a lot out of the free content from The Road Home and feels compelled to give back, donations are graciously accepted below! Thank you!