Free Video Course Part 2 of 4- Invoking Neuroplasticity For Transformation
How to re-pattern destructive conditioning by invoking neuroplasticity. OFTEN.
The first step in transformation is learning how to re-pattern the conditioning you inherited. In order to do that, you have to learn how to effectively invoke neuroplasticity (aka your brain's ability to re-wire neural networks) and to invoke it OFTEN. In this lesson, you will learn one of the quickest and simplest techniques for doing just that.
(For seamless viewing pleasure of today’s video lessons, if you are receiving this post in email format, I recommend heading to the Substack website or app so that you can view the videos within the post instead of breaking away to YouTube.)
Pick any area of life that you struggle with, be it relationship, creativity, wealth, health, whatever it is, and put on your lab coat. I want you to think like a scientist. What happens to your consciousness when you experiment with these tools?
Video 1.1
Why Invoking Neuroplasticity Is Important & The Easiest Way To Do It
(Watch Time 8 minutes)
Click below to download the quiz and workbook for the entire course
Your Turn! Practice Asking Questions That Are Designed To Open Your Mind & Rewire Your Conditioning
(Watch Time 12 minutes)
Practice Sitting In The Unknown. Listen For & Meditate On Answers vs. Trying To Compulsively Answer Them With Your Mind
(Watch Time 4 minutes)
Congratulations! You just learned one of the quickest and easiest ways to invoke neuroplasticity. There are lots of activities that help re-wire your brain, but you might not have time everyday to try a new activity, or micro-dose, or have sex. But asking the right kinds of questions and sitting in the unknown? You can do this 20 times a day during the times where your mind likes to intrude and wont shut up anyway. Do this while you’re making breakfast, driving to work, while you’re in the middle of a conversation, etc.!
If you need help re-wiring your mind, this is something I love helping people do (feel free to check out my website below for details on 1:1 or group coaching programs).
I will see you soon for part 3 of 4 where we will delve deeper into the juicier somatic stuff: Rehabilitating your emotional body to work for you instead of thwart you, by teaching your nervous system how to alchemize intense sensations into pleasure. You're gonna feel like you'll want to never not feel ever again after learning this 🤔...ya. haha
Annika Knepper
P.S. If you are someone who gets a lot out of the free content from The Road Home and feels compelled to give back, donations are graciously accepted below! Thank you!
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Yes! I love learning ways to expand "gray area thinking" and the second video was so good for that. It's so powerful to question ourselves and our assumptions when we really don't feel like it ;)