Free Video Course Part 3 of 4- Alchemizing Intense Sensations
You aren't afraid of bad things happening to you. You are afraid to feel the BODILY SENSATIONS of the stories attached to the bad thing. But what if you were masterful at neutralizing sensations?
Today is a very special day of the course because we will be delving deeper into the somatic body and learning the art of alchemizing intense sensations—something our culture is notoriously HORRIBLE at doing. (We tend to be so afraid of our bodies, emotions, and sensations that we avoid and suppress them to the point of mental and physical illness).
Fortunately, there is a way to reverse this conditioning, creating unbelievable freedom and empowerment within your body and psyche.
(For seamless viewing pleasure of today’s video lessons, if you are receiving this post in email format, I recommend heading to the Substack website or app so that you can view the videos within the post instead of breaking away to YouTube.)
But first, let’s review what we learned in Part 2 so we can build a nice bridge to today’s lesson.
In Part 2 we learned the first step of transformation, which is invoking neuroplasticity.
You can do this often by simply asking questions designed to open the mind. Remember, 'open-mindedness' is not just a metaphor; it's a physiological phenomenon. It's one that you can viscerally feel and that builds resilience in your nervous system.
Asking questions, cultivating curiosity, and getting comfortable with NOT KNOWING the answers are ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL first steps on the road to profound transformation.
If you don't cultivate a curious and open mind, you will be at risk of falling under the spell of the fearful dictatorship/autopilot tendencies the mind exhibits when it's out of balance.
Some people spend years, even their entire lifetime, under the spell of their fearful 'I know' black-and-white, right/wrong, good/bad mentalities without even realizing it! I've even noticed that people who overly identify themselves as 'spiritual' or 'above' this state of mind are often the ones most controlled by it.
I say this not to shame those people (I have totally been that person at times🤚🏼) but to point out how powerfully insidious and blinding this state of mind can be. It is SO important to NOT underestimate the simple, yet potent tool of asking good questions in the endeavor of creating an open mind.
I highly encourage people to, right now, embrace the fact that you will discover in this process that your fearful mind is a hypocritical, blind asshole, and there is no shame in that :)
Just keep opening up to the unknown, ask good questions, accept that your ego WILL be humbled, and look forward to the freedom you will find on the other side of that! Congratulations on starting down the road of interrupting and re-patterning this mental conditioning!
We are not afraid of abandonment, rejection, the unknown, etc. We are afraid of feeling the BODILY SENSATIONS associated with those things (like heart racing, body sweating, clenching in our hearts or stomachs) because they can overwhelm our nervous system if we don't know how to handle them.
But what if I told you that there was a way to digest those sensations in a way that you could convert them from pain into a state of neutrality or even pleasure?
What brave actions would you take, or words would you speak if you knew how to alchemize the bodily sensations that accompany the state of fear or nervousness?
Could you imagine the kind of intimacy and depth you could have with your partner if you knew how to alchemize the bodily sensations that accompany jealousy and control?
How free and alive would you allow yourself to feel if you knew how to alchemize the bodily sensations that accompany unnecessary shame?
We will be exploring all of this and more in today's video!
In case you need access again to the workbook for the entire course click on the link below.
Video 2.1
Your Ability to Shine Presence On & Alchemize Uncomfortable Sensations In Your Body, Is What Will Set You Free
(Watch Time 9 and a half minutes)
Separate Your Identity From The Emotions You Feel. Stop Labeling Sensations As Good Or Bad. See How Long You Can Stay With Them Without Trying To Change Or Fix Them
(Watch Time 11 minutes)
Let Your Body Lead. Trust Your Body To Discharge & Unwind Itself
(Watch Time 5 minutes)
Congratulations! You just learned the basics of alchemizing sensation. Don’t worry if you don’t immediately get it. This is a fundamental skill that a lot of people need hand holding to master. Most likely you haven’t let yourself feel certain sensations for decades, so it requires some focus to reverse that conditioning with additional reassurance that you won’t get ‘kicked out of the tribe’ for feeling. But once you get the hang of it, you will become pretty unstoppable. This is something I love helping people do (feel free to check out my website below for details on 1:1 or group coaching programs).
I will see you soon for part 4 of 4. In this final lesson, you will learn how to expand your body's capacity for pleasure!
Believe it or not, people will reject what they want just as much as they will reject what they don't want because they can't handle how good it feels! So, we've got to train you to RECEIVE what you want through another underestimated but powerful tool; make-believing.
Annika Knepper
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